



5 Lessons I Learned this year


Twenty something struggling with this whole adult thing, trying to make sense of the world on this birthday, I share life lessons learned from this past year and hope to help other millennials adult a little easier today. The Confused Millennial, Gen Y advice. 
Twenty something struggling with this whole adult thing, trying to make sense of the world on this birthday, I share life lessons learned from this past year and hope to help other millennials adult a little easier today. The Confused Millennial, Gen Y advice. 


Today is my birthday…



and for some reason I am not at all excited.

Maybe because I realize that more adulting (by numbers) = more responsibility… ugh.


Maybe because the last few birthdays have been kind of anti-climactic…


because I love being in my twenties so much that I really hate that they keep passing by (I am turning 27 and accidentally forget and tell people I am still 25… Whoops, my bad! )



Seriously, my twenties have been a complete roller coaster of unforeseen changes and lessons, but I have absolutely loved it. I have graduated with both my Bachelors and Master’s degrees, I have excelled in a career only to blow it up and start my own business, I met my fiancee and am getting married in a few months, and I have really learned just so much about myself as a person.


But today I reflect on this past year and the lessons I learned… while there are way more than 5 these are the most prominent and dominant 5: 

1) Self care is top priority. This year has been beyond stressful in every area of my life, family, housing, business, friends… and my body and health have definitely experienced some negative consequences as a result of the stress. I am so grateful that Drops of Joy Jewelry sent me their oil diffuser necklace to try.



I get chronic headaches as some of you know, and with this necklace I can add a few drops of essential oil on the disc, put it in the locket, and let it diffuse into the air and clear up my tension headaches. How cool is that? Plus they have some adorable designs! I also got super nervous that I may eventually develop Fibromyalgia because my body is constantly tense (is that even how it works? Because that’s how I think it works and I keep freaking myself out), so I started getting regular massages and will get back into yoga this year. 

2) The Facebook effect is much broader than just Facebook.  I remember reading this article a couple of years ago about why Gen Y is unhappy and the American Psychology Association released their Annual Stress In America Survey for this year, which dubbed millennials as the most stressed generation. When I read the original article referenced in this point, I realized I was one of those entitle Gen Y “Yuppies” it talks about… I actually started teaching this article having groups read it while working as a counselor I found it to be so true…. But then I forgot about it.

While I’ve definitely lowered my expectations of life, I seem to have forgotten that the carefully crafted Facebook life, spans to a much broader reach than just Facebook…. It spreads to on-line personalities newsletters, website, webinars, testimonials, and their real life. This year I’ve had the pleasure to interact with high level coaches and realized they are living in fear that this carefully crafted persona will come crashing down… and that although they’ve built their businesses on hard work… they are now settling on entitlement to carry them through. I realize I don’t ever want to rest on my entitlement or “Facebook Effect” persona. I want people to know the struggle and hiccups, so they can connect and learn too… even if it means it takes a little longer to build my business and be seen as an expert. #Integrity4theWIN!


3) You can choose your family. Okay well I already knew this one and learned this lesson a long time ago, but to me, family is the person or people who show up, without strings attached, no matter what. They are the people that can respect where you are at and don’t punish you for taking care of yourself or being your own person. I am so grateful for the friends who have become family and my soon to be family (what?!? Am I really getting married in less than 4 months? This is starting to feel real!)


4) Just because someone writes about helping and supporting others doesn’t mean its true. My mind was blown when I learned that most testimonials on sites are people’s friends or family… Better yet… apparently it’s industry standards to blur the lines of those “praise” sections… Who knew?!? Maybe I am naive, but I really believed them when they had their picture, city, and name on there! Only after I learned this, I noticed if I read closely enough they are really a testimonial about the persons character, not services, seriously go read them.  Even some of mine on fall into this… I really should update those.


5) Netflix isn’t the most important thing in my day.  Last year, I think if you asked me how I spent my day, at least 8 hours of it was spent watching TV, literally, I am not exaggerating.  This year, I buckled down and got way more serious about my business and nurturing relationships… proudly I can say Netflix is still my BFF, but we are only seeing each other 3-4 hours a day now. 


Let’s get social! Join the Instagram Photo A Day Challenge



How do you guys celebrate birthdays? What lessons are you learning?


The Confused Millennial’s Liebster Award 2016


Looking to discover new bloggers? Are you a new blogger yourself looking for advice or a blogging community? Check out The Confused Millennial's Liebster Award 2016 — The Confused Millennial. Plus there may be some surprise dance moves!
Looking to discover new bloggers? Are you a new blogger yourself looking for advice or a blogging community? Check out The Confused Millennial’s Liebster Award 2016 — The Confused Millennial. Plus there may be some surprise dance moves!


Ahhh! I am so excited to write this post! First of all, huge shout out to the hilarious Terry Ann of Accidentally Adulting for nominating me for this Award!  Her blog documents her choices and struggles with adulting in a totally real and hilarious way, so go check her out!

For those of you who don’t know, The Liebster Award is all about discovering new blogs! Bloggers nominate other bloggers for it, how cool is that? Talk about community! Each nominee can choose to accept, answers questions from the previous blogger, and shares random facts (for official rules scroll over the award later on in the post).

Check out my responses below: 

Who is my favorite blogger? The blogger who has totally inspired me is The Balanced Blonde (TBB). I first heard about two years ago from a friend (Mrs. Adventure of Mr. and Mrs. Adventure). She shared how TBB blogged about being vegan and healthy eating, only to develop disordered eating habits and an obsession with healthy eating (called orthorexia) and made the transition out of veganism. She got a ton of back lash and cyber bullying as a result. This girl has literally created an entire life style brand around her blog and overcome so much that it truly inspires me to do the same with my blog. 

What is your favorite TV show? Uhm I literally can’t decided. I probably watch 50 hours of television (at least) each week! I usually always watch an oldie (Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Dawson’s Creek — Who else is super stoked about The OC coming to Hulu?!?), with the current shows (Quantico! New Girl, Nashville, Gotham, Scandal) and Binge on one Netflix shows at a time (Kimmy Schmidtt, Cuckoo, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, etc.), oh and of course Girls, Silicon Valley, and Game of Thrones! If you ask me for a TV recommendation I will probably ask you what your mood is and types of genres, and how invested you want to get before making a recommendation that is pretty dead on. Heck have you seen my post about my favorite Netflix hacks

What do you love to do but suck at? DANCE! I will just leave this here…

3 Biggest Pet Peeves? OMG there are too many to count… Liars, people who lack integrity and don’t follow through, or put on a false persona, and tapping (like your fingers or knees)… Oh the list goes on…

Knowing what I know about life what 3 things would I warn my younger self about?

1. It’s okay to talk about emotions and ask for help, even if the first few people tell you “no”.

2. You are not invincible and fear is healthy.

3. You are your own person.

What is a deal breaker in a relationship (romantic or platonic)? Haha it’s more like a set of traits that I find are commonly bundled into people I break up with in life: Lack of respect, lying, manipulation for their own needs.

What trait do you admire most in yourself and others? Empathy. It was a hard skill for me to learn (What up Dr. Del Moro and Interpersonal Communication Skills!) – to truly understand the difference between empathy and sympathy… but once it clicked it changed my life. The ability to truly understand someone else’s feelings or perspective and not make it about you or put a silver lining on it so difficult (it goes against everything we are taught growing up), because it means getting in touch with a part of ourselves we are often afraid of and not flipping the script to make it about ourselves, but rather sit with that person in their struggle. For more on empathy, I’ll share this video I often showed while working as a counselor with my groups where Brene Brown does a great job explaining it:

If money wasn’t an object what would I do with my time? Exactly what I am doing now! Volunteering, blogging & coaching… I want to leave a positive impact on others which is why I created a business that aligns with this purpose

If I were stuck in an elevator for 12 hrs who would I want to be stuck with? My fiancee. We would make sweet dance videos, laugh, and probably cry because I would get claustrophobic. 

What is one random fact about you? I don’t know how to laugh properly and sound like a hyena that often gets hiccups.  

I nominate the following bloggers for the Liebster Award (official rules when you hover over image below!):

1. Mr. and Mrs. Adventure – also check out their interview with TCM here.

2. The Happy Arkansan

3. Katelyn Blogs

4. Ditching Adulthood

5. Lost Gen Y Girl

6. Sugar Spice and Sparkle

7. Seashells + Sparkles

8. Monogrammed Magnolias

9. The Pink Lyme

To accept, follow the rules outlined when you hover over this image: 


The official rules of the Liebster Award: Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.) Answer questions from the Blogger that nominated you. (you can use my questions above or create your own) Provide 10 random facts about yourself (optional) Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1,000 followers. Ask your nominees to answer questions. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.) Once you have written and published it, you then have to: Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it and know what to do! (they might not have ever heard of it!) Post your Liebster Award blog post link in the comments of your nominator’s Liebster Award Post!
The official rules of the Liebster Award: Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.) Answer questions from the Blogger that nominated you. (you can use my questions above or create your own) Provide 10 random facts about yourself (optional) Nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1,000 followers. Ask your nominees to answer questions. List these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.) Once you have written and published it, you then have to: Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it and know what to do! (they might not have ever heard of it!) Post your Liebster Award blog post link in the comments of your nominator’s Liebster Award Post!


Everyday Heroes – Real Life Impact


Sometimes our heroes are public figures, sometimes they are people... either way they have real impact on our everyday lives. Remember with every action you take, you are leaving an impact on this world, be it good or bad, positive or negative. Humanity is a community.
Sometimes our heroes are public figures, sometimes they are people… either way they have real impact on our everyday lives. Remember with every action you take, you are leaving an impact on this world, be it good or bad, positive or negative. Humanity is a community.


We are all heroes to someone in life. No matter what you think of yourself, someone somewhere has been influenced by your decisions and actions. 

As a young Millennial I seek to change the world one person at a time. These six folks have directly or indirectly influenced my life and shaped me as the man I am today: 

Dr. Meg Jay: The author of “The Defining Decade” has indirectly influenced my life by shining a light on the plight of young Millennials in our 21st century world. As she stated, “Eighty percent of life’s most defining moments take place by age thirty-five.” This motivates me to take action today, as Jay said, “Twenty is not the new thirty”. 

Susan Cain: The author of “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” is starting a Quiet revolution in both our personal and professional lives. I believe that the introverted personalities voice must be heard in order for a balanced world to be established.

Lewis Howes: An entrepreneur & author of “The School of Greatness” which is an amazing book talking about how to develop your hustle muscle in life. Now, I am hustling to make positive changes in my life thanks to Lewis!

Morgan Klingelhoefer: A college student at Indiana University, Bloomington who I met at LeaderShape 2014. I can name numerous reasons why Morgan changed who I am, but the main reason is her upbeat personality which is infectious. She motivates me to continue to succeed with a positive outlook. May we forever be lifelong friends who will never forget the influence we had on one another!

Anna Chapman: A recent graduate of Indiana University, Bloomington who I met at LeaderShape 2014. The main reason I loved Anna was how comfortable she was with everyone and everything around her. If I could be like that, I would imagine I would feel so happy and free. May good fortunes shine on your life and stay in touch!

Noe Vera Duran: A lifelong friend who I met while washing laundry in a residence hall at Indiana University, Bloomington. The experience we had together as student residents and eventual resident assistants was memorable because we got to see each other grow as people. I am proud to have witnessed the transformation. May we stay connected and find each other when either of us are in need!

I can’t begin to fathom how different my life would have been without meeting or hearing about these six folks. Thank you for shaping my life!

How will you change other’s lives?


Now, I want you all to think about this: 

Who has influenced your life and how?

Let us know in the comments! 

Hello everyone! My name is Kevin King and I am a Millennial who believes in learning something new each day. As a former student leader at Indiana University Bloomington, I engaged my student peers to grow as future leaders while being a resourceful resident assistant. Currently, I share my knowledge and opinions on living life as a Millennial through my various social network profiles. To connect with my social networks, please visit my website here. Hope to hear from you soon!

5 Ways to Celebrate National Stress Awareness Month in 2016


April is National Stress Awareness Month! We are talking about ways to manage stress on the blog. Check out these 5 easy ways to reduce stress and bring on happiness!
April is National Stress Awareness Month! We are talking about ways to manage stress on the blog. Check out these 5 easy ways to reduce stress and bring on happiness!


April is National Stress Awareness Month and this April seems more stressful than any April has before! Is anyone else experiencing drastic life changes lately? I feel like every week a different area of my life is being flipped upside down on it’s head, and practicing stress reduction techniques are more important than ever for me! 

I am the type of person that masseuses constantly ask me what I’ve done to my body to make it so tight… you see I’ve struggled with high anxiety since I was a little girl and in general, my body does not carry stress very well. I have to practice regular self care to ward off panic attacks, headaches, and muscle spasms. Needless to say, stress reduction and self care are very important topics to me. 

1. Spa week! Across the country from April 11-17 is National Spa week! Many spa’s offer services at deep discounts! Check out what’s happening near you and snag one of these great deals while they last. I’ve experienced some amazing spa’s using Spa week and Spa month (we will get to that in the summer!) specials. 

2. Laugh. Who doesn’t love a good laugh? According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter is a great stress reliever and alleviates tension in the body while boosting our overall mood. Watch a funny tv show, catch up with an old friend, or give your cat some catnip and watch the hilarity ensue



3. Yoga. What I love about yoga is how it combines both meditate to physical exercise. When I first began meditating I needed to lock my mind on something, and mantra’s weren’t doing it for me. The practice of yoga allowed me to connect my mind to the movement of my body and breath. Inhaling my arms and exhaling them down taught me to breathe normally again. As someone who struggles with anxiety this is a vital practice, too often I spent my days either hyperventilating or holding my breath. By developing a regular yoga practice, I could ultimately begin to practice meditation in many other forms down the road. 


Acroyoga fun! 
Acroyoga fun! 


4. Happiness or Gratitude Journal. Gratitude and happiness have been linked to better physical and mental health. Getting into the habit of a daily gratitude list or happiness journal can significantly reduce stress and improve your relationships with others and yourself.

5. Essential Oils. I love essential oils! I got hooked on them in yoga and can’t sing their praises enough! Essential oils have been linked to stress reduction and have many other physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Whenever I feel myself getting stressed I turn on my oil diffuser with lavender and eucalyptus to decompress. You can rub a  little dab of oil on pressure points, infuse your shower, or spritz your pillow before bed. There are so many ways to incorporate oils into your life, so play around with it and figure out what works best for you.

How are you celebrating National Stress Awareness Month? What are some of your favorite stress reducing techniques or activities? Let us know in the comments! 


Writing Your Life’s Mission Statement


Writing your life's mission statement is so important for your success. It can help you find fulfillment and happiness quicker, it can help you write your personal statement for college or your business mission statement if you're an entrepreneur.
Writing your life’s mission statement is so important for your success. It can help you find fulfillment and happiness quicker, it can help you write your personal statement for college or your business mission statement if you’re an entrepreneur.


In business we write mission statements to show our consumers our heart and soul. A mission statements showcases that we are more focused on a movement than money. It brings employees together, it bonds us with our consumer, and it acts as a guiding light when we are tested or challenged. 

When applying to college we write a “personal statement”, similar to a mission statement, but this time to connect the admissions department to our heart and soul and really showcase why we would better their campus. 

In life we are constantly asked to showcase our “why”:

– Why should we be considered?

– Why should we listen to you?

– Why should we want to connect with you and build a relationship? 

I see so many people struggle to identify their “why” in life and put it into words.

HINT: You may feel confused about your “Why” if you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or like you are running in place without getting anywhere. 

While in college, I was facing a lot of unknowns about my future, as a lot of us are. I felt overwhelmed, lost, and well…confused (no pun intended #TCMillennial for life!). 

I remember talking with one of my teachers and she recommended I read the book “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl. The book is about Frankl’s experience during the Holocaust. Before the Holocaust began, he was a psychologist in Germany. When the Nazi’s began to invade he and his family were separated. While he notes surviving the Holocaust was partly luck, he focuses the book on the quality he saw in survivors… the people who did not lose the will to live despite such atrocity; hence the title “Man’s Search for Meaning”. 

This book taught me to identify my why be really asking myself what drives me to get out of bed every morning? When things get tough what keeps me focused and on track? When I feel like giving up, why do I choose to continue? 

So I ask you: What drives you? What did you want to be when you grew up? What are your hopes and dreams and why are they you’re hopes and dreams? What activities are you engaged in that result in your losing all track of time and feeling totally happy and fulfilled? When times are difficult what moves you forward?

Is it a feeling you get and what others to feel? Is it a product or service you can provide? Is it community and connection your crave? 

Get into the nitty gritty of these questions, and then write your life’s mission statement. It will guide you in tough times, in career transitions, in relationships that are no longer serving you, and so much more. 


Whenever I feel overwhelmed or lost or confused, I need to remember my life’s mission statement. My “Why”.

My purpose in life is to help others through difficult times. To help others find their purpose and passion. To help others feel connected and fulfilled.

Heck it relates totally to why I started The Confused Millennial and my career and business coaching business. I want to help others with this confused and overwhelmed feeling.  I want to showcase other inspiring millennials struggling & living life & challenging themselves. I want to engage in real conversations with real people. I want community. 

What is your life’s mission statement? Share it with us in the comments! 

Is College Really Worth the Struggle? Thoughts from a Recent Graduate


Is college really worth the investment? What are the benefits of college? Are you a college student? Are you taking part in these five pillars for college success, academics, socializing, extracurriculars, professional development and networking, and time management? Check out the confused millennials thoughts from an inspiring millennial
Is college really worth the investment? What are the benefits of college? Are you a college student? Are you taking part in these five pillars for college success, academics, socializing, extracurriculars, professional development and networking, and time management? Check out the confused millennials thoughts from an inspiring millennial


College. It’s a word that makes many tremble before it or reminisce about a time lost to eternity; but what does a 4-year college experience really offer us?

As a recent graduate from Indiana University in Bloomington, I often wonder about this… I finally broke it down into what I call “the five pillars for college success”.

Pillar 1: Academics. We all know what the news networks, business magazines, and academic advisors say about college: It’s worth the time and financial resources spent, but as more and more high school graduates enter college a bachelor’s has become the norm in entering the workforce. For some, the tens of thousands spent on their degree isn’t worth the hype. Personally, attending college was partly to follow in my parents’ footsteps and partly to engage in lifelong learning, which I did as a Hoosier student. I am happy to say that with the college courses I took, I feel prepared to conquer anything the world tosses my way.

Pillar 2: Extracurriculars. Unless it’s greek life, this is often one of the most undervalued  and under utilized aspects of the college experience. College isn’t just about acquiring great grades in class., but also building life long relationships, being apart of a community, and learning to create balance in our lives as young adults.  Extracurriculars are also a great way to stack your pre-graduate resume by getting involved with campus groups as a student leader. While at IU, I balanced both academics and extracurriculars to a good degree and was recognized for my personal contributions to the overall campus environment during my four years on-campus. As a result I’ve been able to get clearer about my career goals and bolster my networking skills while entering the workforce.

Pillar 3: Professional Development. Major, internship, and job… these three words are constantly thrown at college students. What isn’t talked about enough while in school? How important building your personal network is while in school and the role that will play in your professional development post-graduation. Networking is essential for making connections with those that could help attain that first dream internship or post-graduate job. I landed my first internship as a graduate of Indiana University through my personal network as a college student on-campus, so go forth and make some connections!

Pillar 4: Socializing. Human civilization is built around socializing with others in either niche or general communities. We typically congregate around those who share similar interests or live nearby, as evidenced by college students on in a specific dorm or greek house. While in college, I found myself around those with strong interests in politics and student engagement, which I later realized shaped my career goals. Your social relationships in college are both about creating balance in your life, but also in learning who you are as a young adult.  

Pillar 5: Time management. Many college graduates and soon-to-be graduates feel there isn’t enough time in college to focus on what they truly love; however, I disagree. I have found that many college students struggle with poor time management skills, which ultimately harms their personal health and overall excitement to learn. As a recent graduate, I used effective time management skills to my advantage and harnessed it to be a student leader guiding struggling students to safety when everything for them seemed hopelessly lost. I was able to make time for helping others, learning from others, and learn about myself. 

College is a time for self exploration. To get the most out of your four years try to focus on the above five pillars for college success. I know by trying things outside of my comfort zone I was able to become a student leader who inspired others, network my way into some amazing opportunities, and learn how to create balance in all areas of my life while getting the most out of college. 


I hope that these five pillars for college success are taught to many incoming college students and that everyone understands that all lifelong learning is multi-faceted in nature because one learns just as much outside the classroom as inside an academic environment.

Do I believe in higher education? Yes, I do believe it’s worth the struggle if you’re ready for it.

Hello everyone! My name is Kevin King and I am a Millennial who believes in learning something new each day. As a former student leader at Indiana University Bloomington, I engaged my student peers to grow as future leaders while being a resourceful resident assistant. Currently, I share my knowledge and opinions on living life as a Millennial through my various social network profiles. To connect with my social networks, please visit my website here. Hope to hear from you soon!

3 Secrets to believing in yourself.

Struggling with making your dreams a reality? Want to reach for the stars? 3 Secrets to believing in yourself. Overcome low self esteem, self deprecating thoughts, anxiety, or depression by believing in yourself. Self love and self care are so important to being our best selves.
Struggling with making your dreams a reality? Want to reach for the stars? 3 Secrets to believing in yourself. Overcome low self esteem, self deprecating thoughts, anxiety, or depression by believing in yourself. Self love and self care are so important to being our best selves.

Believe in yourself.

It sounds so easy, but why is it so hard? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started and stopped a project in my life. How many times I’ve given up. How many times I’ve let rejection or others criticism define me. 

As a career and business coach I often get consultation requests in which I have prospective clients complete a questionnaire and almost unanimously, the clients talk about fear, uncertainty, or lack of clarity holding them back in their careers or businesses.

These emotions, these thoughts, are such universal barriers… how have we not come up with a better way to overcome them by now? 

I know I was meant for something big in my life. I know that every unique experience I have been through, every struggle, and every hurdle have all been leading me towards something meaningful. Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in quicksand, just running in place without moving forward, other times I feel like I am soaring on a jet plane to my destination. 

Why the lack of consistency? Why does our motivation have a half life?

How we can stay motivated and hold onto that accomplished and proud feeling?

1. Schedule everything on your calendar. Not only is this a great way to stay organized with your to-do list, but it also can act as a “#Winning” Record, as it’s hard tangible proof of all that you’ve accomplished. Whenever I start to feel like I am stuck or not getting anywhere, I look through my calendar and celebrate all the little victories on it. 

2. Write or re-visit your life’s mission statement. Whenever I feel burnt out on a goal, I revisit my “why” as in why I decided to tackle this goal? Why is it important to me? How is this fueling my bigger picture? If you haven’t written a mission statement for your life, do it! If you do have one, revisit it whenever you feel like burying your head under the covers. 

3. Make the negative voice in your head shut up.  For many of us, when we get rejected or receive criticism it hits a much deeper emotional chord. Sometimes it can even lead to hours of obsessing and dissecting the interaction. When we focus our energy on these type of situations we usually do one of two things:

a) React negatively. We let it define us. We let it crumble us. We let it cause us stress, anxiety, or anger. 

b) React positively. We use it as a learning lesson. We take an objective look at our role in the situation and adjust accordingly. Maybe we put too many expectations on someone? Maybe we made a mistake? Maybe we ignored our gut or warning signs about a situation? Either way, we find our role in the situation, take responsibility for it, and move forward.

When we can acknowledge our role, we can tell the negative voice in our head to pipe down, because it doesn’t have power over us any more. 

How do you overcome a funk? How do you believe in yourself when you feel like giving up? Let me know in the comments! 

Bumble BFF Group Date

Wondering what all the hype is about Bumble BFF feature? Check out my experience on a group date! Finding friends as an adult is tough, and this app helps!
Wondering what all the hype is about Bumble BFF feature? Check out my experience on a group date! Finding friends as an adult is tough, and this app helps!

So you may know about my recent obsession with Bumble BFF, if you don’t read about it here

Well last week one of my matches invited me on a group date with some other Bumble BFF’s. She actually invited me and another one of my friends on the app, who ended up bailing and deleting her account (#LifeofanIntrovert):

After my friend bailed, I waffled about whether or not to go on this group date. Maybe I’ve watched one to many episodes of the Bachelor or maybe it’s the introvert in me, but the idea of a group outing terrifies me. I like to think I thrive in a one-on-one setting… where my awkwardness can (hopefully) come off as endearing, rather than full on creep. I decided to invite my high school BFF who had the idea for Bumble BFF a few months ago to see what it was all about, and be my safety net. 

The morning of the group date I was pretty excited, until about an hour before the official start time, where I started to totally panic, bringing on a massive tension headache.  I jumped in the shower and doused myself in tiger balm… then panicked that the tiger balm would leave me smelling like a nursing home and no one would want to be my friend. 

I took a few deep breaths and headed over to the restaurant with my friend. As soon as we walk in there are two girls kind of awkwardly looking around at the hostess stand, and I wondered, “are they part of our group!?” when I notice the hostess, an old friend of mine who I used to work with and I totally freak out:

Image via The Odyssey Online
Image via The Odyssey Online

Relieved to see a familiar face, I start to calm down when another one of my former co-working friends is working at the restaurant too! I freak out again.  By now the Bumble BFF crew is sitting down and my friend from high school has gone with them. Part of me wanted to stay and chat with my old friends, part of me felt like I needed to get to the Bumble table. 

I finally say my good-byes and find our table, a long rectangular table with eight seats. The girls had already begun filling in the far end, which left me in the middle of the table, an introverts worst nightmare. I took a deep breath because at this point, the other half of the table was empty,  so it’s like I was on an end really. 

Everyone started talking and then the last two in our party joined, funnily enough they were the two that had invited everyone. Ultimately there were seven of us and we had a great time! We were together for about four hours! I barely even spoke to my friend I brought along, unless it was in a table discussion. I couldn’t believe how fast time went and how much fun we had. 

All of the girls were smart and pretty accomplished in their careers, and just awesome! It was crazy too because each of us was connected to the other by some sort of overlap, whether it was meeting once in the past and forgetting until then or having a mutual friend or two. 

We all became Facebook official at brunch and exchanged contact info and are planning our second group outing! 

I think what I have loved most about Bumble BFF is how it pushes me out of my comfort zone and on these little adventures of meeting new people, even though my scenery is getting a little stale. 

Have you tried Bumble BFF yet? What did you like or dislike? More Bumble BFF adventures to come!

Super Simple Gold DIY Easter Eggs

Super simple gold DIY easter eggs. Head over to the blog to see the festive easter eggs. How do you celebrate easter?
Super simple gold DIY easter eggs. Head over to the blog to see the festive easter eggs. How do you celebrate easter?

I love Holidays! In general, I totally buy into the festivities no matter what religion the holiday belongs to. I just love how they bring people together and usually have yummy food and fun crafts surrounding them! Last Easter, Lauren Conrad posted these cuties:


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Image via


So this year I decided to try my hand out making these cuties… only thing is that I am left handed, and the struggle is so real. I kept having to maneuver the egg so I wouldn’t smear it with the side of my hand, leading to things slanting all over the place. 

I am not totally sure how LC made her super cute eggs, but I took a guess and bought a gold sharpie.

I started by hard boiling the eggs. Let them cool to room temperature once they finished and dried. Then I grabbed my gold sharpie and went to town. I messed up a few of them, so I rolled them over and used the other side 😉 . They took me about 5-10 minutes, I like the ones without words, just fun little designs. The gold sharpie really gives them a nice and clean finish, IMO.

Not sure how safe it is to eat the eggs post sharpie, but I figure if I crack the shell and get it off quick enough before the chemicals soak into the egg, we should be good for some nice egg salad after this experiment? I hope? We will see… haha.

So how did they come out?




Next year I will definitely opt for more of a “hay” type of “grass” rather than the full on blue Easter grass… I also saw this cool idea for putting flash tattoos and making tribal eggs! I just couldn’t find any flash tattoos (apparently they are so last year). 

How are you celebrating Easter? Make sure to share you eggs with me in the comments!  I would love to see them!

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