


Life Lessons

5 Tips for transitioning into the work force after college


“Any tips for the workforce transition and how to find balance between work, school and finding your own passion outside of it all?” If you’re anything like I was… I was itching by the end of my last year in college to get to “the real world” – I think it was more of the unknown of what laid ahead that had me itching, than actually wanting to be out of college. I wanted to “just know” what was going to happen post-college life. I learned five big lessons and want to share these 5 tips for transitioning into the real world post college – The Confused Millennial



Reader Question:     Currently trudging through my senior year of college. Any tips for the workforce transition and how to find balance between work, school and finding your own passion outside of it all? 

If you’re anything like I was… I was itching by the end of my last year in college to get to “the real world” – I think it was more of the unknown of what laid ahead that had me itching, than actually wanting to be out of college. I wanted to “just know” what was going to happen post-college life. 



So first of all, enjoy this time!!! Your life will never be the same after college. My fiance and I constantly talk about how easy life was back in school. There are many other perks to post-college life, but it’s very different. 


5 Tips for Finding Your Passion While Transitioning Into the Workforce / Real World


1. Internships. If you haven’t already, get an internship, like YESTERDAY! Seriously, I hated working for free, but because of my undergraduate internships, it led to me making some serious coin during my graduate degree (like double than what my classmates were making). 

Always be strategic about your internships though. I had two really defining internships: one was at a law office, the other as a counselor in a mental health and substance abuse treatment center. I was deciding between the two vastly different career paths, and without going through that experience and my internships, I probably wouldn’t realize bigger passions of mine (like being an entrepreneur) as quickly as I did. I constantly am contacted by people who are older than me, still in the 9-5 grind, wishing they could quit and follow their passion. I whole heartedly believe that internships are a major key in discovering your passion and boosting your earning potential.  

Internship PRO tip: Make it clear from the start that you are seeking employment. This can go at the end of your elevator pitch when they ask you to tell them about yourself and sound something like: 

“I discovered my passion for X while doing Y. I realized it was an innate gift of mine when teachers kept putting me in leadership positions surrounding this skill. Currently I am seeking an internship with (insert something specific/unique about the company) that will lead to employment opportunities at it’s conclusion.” 


2. Say “YES”. Even if you have no idea what your doing, say yes during this time in your life. Say yes to work, friends, whatever.

Two big points here: work and friends.

At work, say “yes” – for a lot of us, myself included, when we are afraid our knee jerk reaction is to say “no” because we don’t want to look dumb or mess something up. Get in the habit of saying yes and figuring it out later at work. You’re young and expected to make mistakes at this point so learn with a vengeance and always fail forward!

With friends: People forget that your friends and acquaintances in college and post-college are going to be a big part of your career in ways that you could never guess.


Seriously this guy will probably come back around and help you network your way into that killer big city job!

… Okay maybe it won’t be Zac Efron, but I’ll leave this here…

Friends can use their network to help you get that promotion, refer you business, or even become a business partner! There is something magical about relationships formed in college and during your first job(s)… a lot of times these are the friendships that are going to carry you through your third decade, if not further. 

So next time you are tempted to say “no” because you have too much work to do or something, remember that balance and friendships are still investing in your future and should be prioritized and scheduled, just like revamping your resume and Linkedin. 


3. Resume. I am sure if you are reading this, you have a resume. However, I can’t stress this enough, it probably sucks. Maybe it’s because of poor grammar and spelling, or you lack work experience, who knows.  The reality is your resume is probably ish right now.

How do I know?   Two reasons:  1) Mine was crap when I was 20  and 2) I receive countless resumes from college students wanting internships, and I would say out of 10 only 1 is good. I have hired interns with crap resumes, but usually regretted it. So get with a career coach (shameless plug here —> that’s me! or start studying the craft of a resume and cold email. 


4. Step up your e-mail etiquette. One of the toughest things for most twenty somethings to get right when transitioning into the workforce is e-mail etiquette. Check out this article for some helpful tips and if you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask.


5. Be prepared to be a little depressed. After college, you are probably either going to be really excited or a little depressed. Whether it’s because of change, leaving your friends behind, having to move back in with your parents, or you just experienced rejection for the first time from that job you had really high hopes for… most of us drop into a bit of a funk after college… Especially as the Instagram posts and Snaps start coming in from friends that seem to have magically mastered the transition. 


Give yourself permission to work through those feelings, but then set a deadline for yourself to get back to life and things you enjoyed. For instance, think about what gets you really excited and energized now? Write those down. Don’t forget those. the real world is going to want to rip those things away from you and fog your head with what you “should” be doing. 

ALSO: My friend Kayla, also wrote a fantastic resource for transitioning twenty somethings, called the Corporate Survival Guide for Your Twenties: A Guide to Help You Navigate the Business World* (Amazon Affiliate link, but I really love this book and can’t sing it’s praise enough!).

Before you go grab your FREE guide to perfecting the 30 second elevator pitch!


Inspiring Millennial Series: Sami Kattan of Nomad’s Land


In this vlog Sami Kattan of Nomad’s Land shares how he makes a living as a digital nomad. Sami share’s how he launched his business, the struggles of early entrepreneurship, and his advice to the multi-passionate millennial. Check out this week’s episode of The Confused Millennial’s vlog series, “Inspiring Millennials”. 


(ARCHIVE POST): In honor of July 4th, TCM TV is taking a holiday today, so no new episode of the “Inspiring Millennials” Series. I decided to bring back one of our first episodes for you guys to enjoy! Happy Independence Day!

I am beyond excited for this interview! I met Sami while at the University of Florida. We used to bond over our love of cooking and community while hosting little dinner parties at my apartment. 

After college we lost touch and then I stumbled upon him on Instagram and knew I needed to interview him! Since college, Sami has been traveling all over the world and building multiple businesses. He is a talented and skilled videographer and has worked to blend his creative self with his business mind (for any creativepreneurs out there you know that struggle is real!).

SPOILER ALERT: he got his start with videography after hitch hiking a ride on Craigslist to Mexico, where he lived in a hammock on the beach! 

Seriously you have got to hear his story! He also gives a lot of great and relatable advice to budding entrepreneurs! 



Make sure to connect with Sami on:
– Facebook
– Sami’s website
– Nomad’s Land website

Want to make your dreams a reality? Get out goal setting guide to making things happen! 


3 Inspirational Movies for Millennials


Feeling like you're on the verge of a quarter life crisis? Want some clarity and inspiration on the meaning of life and other life lessons in your twenties? Check out these three movies for clarity, hope, and motivation in navigating your third decade. - The Confused Millennial
Feeling like you’re on the verge of a quarter life crisis? Want some clarity and inspiration on the meaning of life and other life lessons in your twenties? Check out these three movies for clarity, hope, and motivation in navigating your third decade. – The Confused Millennial


I have never claimed to be any sort of film critic, but I have seen a lot of different movies, everything from artsy foreign films to stupid-fun action movies. Through every movie, I’ve learned a lot about how humans see the world and how sometimes a movie can say exactly what we need to hear. There is a little something that I think everyone in their twenties can get from this little list of films (in no particular order):

1)    Almost Famous (Cameron Crowe, 2000)

“It’s All Happening.” 

First of all, this movie is incredibly underrated. If you love music, this movie is a must-see. There is a phrase they use throughout the entire film, “It’s all happening.” I have tried to explain what this means to people who haven’t seen the movie time and again, but it is admittedly difficult. So I’m going to try my best. I think that people get so caught up in the past and the future that when it comes down to it, it is really difficult to remain planted in the present. Especially people in their twenties. We get so caught up in societal pressures of how successful we are going to be, or where we are going to be in five years, or even who we are going to marry. We forget what it means to be a human and that all we have in the end is the present. Because the past we cannot change, and the future won’t always be there. So don’t worry too much, enjoy where you’re at right now. Because indeed, it is all happening.


2)    Romeo and Juliet (Baz Luhrmann, 1996) 

Bear with me on this one!

I know that we all saw this, what some may describe as crappy, version of Shakespeare’s classic play when we were in high school. I think though that I didn’t appreciate this film/book for everything it was the first time I saw it. There are obvious things to be learned about love from this movie, we can all agree on that. But I think when you come at it from a different perspective, it changes everything you thought you knew.

1)    Don’t have regrets

2)    Don’t get too caught up in what love is

What I learned most from this story is how everything is a domino effect, and how one beautiful thing is worth more than all the shitty things. If Romeo hadn’t have crashed the Capulets party, he never would have met his great love. If one tiny thing would have changed, we possibly wouldn’t have the greatest love story of all time. And that is the way to look at it.

The shitty things have to happen for the great things to do so. Without falling apart, nothing would come together. Without failing that class, you wouldn’t have learned something about yourself. Without getting laid off, you wouldn’t have found your dream job. Often we get so caught up in how horrible things can be that we forget the amazing moments that come out of that. Things may be tough, but something great will come to you because of it.

The second important thing that I think you need to hear at this time in your life is that you can’t get caught up in certain societal ideas of love, including your own fantasies of what love should be. Being in love, or out of love, is going to look different to everyone. And that is okay. Don’t lose yourself in a relationship, yes. But also don’t lose out on the one truly magical experience we are allowed to have because of what others think they know about it. I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t read too much into the place you may or may not be romantically in your life right now. Feel everything. Cherish everything. That is the most important part.


3)    The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky, 2012)

Honestly, this book and movie mean the absolute world to me. When I was in high school, I saw Perks for the first time (I later read the book by Stephen Chbosky, and I always read the book first so don’t judge me). At this particular time in my life, I needed so badly to hear so many of the things in that film. The idea of ‘infinite moments has stuck with me to this day. I am completely obsessed with this idea that one moment can change everything; that one moment can last forever. I have this specific memory of high school. I was going to Junior Prom with my closest friends and the boy I assumed to be the love of my life. I was driving in a limo and ‘Midnight City’ by M83 came on. The giggling in that car, the sunset outside, the perfect song at the perfect time, they all made me feel so…there. It was all happening. Everything, for that few minutes, was perfect. And beautiful. And lovely. It didn’t matter that up until that high school had been shit, and that the rest of my high school career would be shit. None of that mattered, all I held onto was the one moment in which infinity existed. I look back on it now and realize there haven’t been a ton of those moments in my life, but those are the moments I think of the most. Listening to my favorite record in my studio apartment with my boyfriend, driving in a Jeep on the streets of Monterey with the top down, watching the ocean at night with my best friend, not saying anything at all. It doesn’t matter that everything doesn’t really matter, or that life is just a bunch of experiences built up. All that matters is the beauty of those moments when we feel like everything is what we want it to be.

I may see the world through rose-colored glasses. Or maybe I’ve just learned to look for all the things that life is trying to say. I hope that you cherish these things as much as I do, and try to really take something away from the world around you. Even if it is something as simple as a movie.


About Bree C. Hodge:    “I want to contribute to the chaos.”

Hi lovelies, my name is Bree and I am the newest contributing writer to The Confused Millennial. I am so incredibly excited to have the opportunity to reach out to others like myself and just get real. A little bit about me. I’m a California girl, residing in the San Francisco Bay Area, but have spent the last three years in Monterey Bay where I attended college. I am a barista at Starbucks Coffee, which explains my obnoxious obsession with coffee and tea. I love reading books more than anything, as well as watching films. My favorite thing in the entire world is Harry Potter, and I’m sure you’ll hear me talk about it a lot. I am pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies with a minor in Journalism. I am a vegetarian, and will tell you all about it if you want to hear. I love to be in nature and feel close to the universe, as well as spend time with my closest friends and boyfriend. I just want to change people’s lives, and make a difference, even if that is only through my writing. Thank you for the opportunity to do so, and I look forward to the future with #TCMillennial.

5 Lessons I Learned this year


Twenty something struggling with this whole adult thing, trying to make sense of the world on this birthday, I share life lessons learned from this past year and hope to help other millennials adult a little easier today. The Confused Millennial, Gen Y advice. 
Twenty something struggling with this whole adult thing, trying to make sense of the world on this birthday, I share life lessons learned from this past year and hope to help other millennials adult a little easier today. The Confused Millennial, Gen Y advice. 


Today is my birthday…



and for some reason I am not at all excited.

Maybe because I realize that more adulting (by numbers) = more responsibility… ugh.


Maybe because the last few birthdays have been kind of anti-climactic…


because I love being in my twenties so much that I really hate that they keep passing by (I am turning 27 and accidentally forget and tell people I am still 25… Whoops, my bad! )



Seriously, my twenties have been a complete roller coaster of unforeseen changes and lessons, but I have absolutely loved it. I have graduated with both my Bachelors and Master’s degrees, I have excelled in a career only to blow it up and start my own business, I met my fiancee and am getting married in a few months, and I have really learned just so much about myself as a person.


But today I reflect on this past year and the lessons I learned… while there are way more than 5 these are the most prominent and dominant 5: 

1) Self care is top priority. This year has been beyond stressful in every area of my life, family, housing, business, friends… and my body and health have definitely experienced some negative consequences as a result of the stress. I am so grateful that Drops of Joy Jewelry sent me their oil diffuser necklace to try.



I get chronic headaches as some of you know, and with this necklace I can add a few drops of essential oil on the disc, put it in the locket, and let it diffuse into the air and clear up my tension headaches. How cool is that? Plus they have some adorable designs! I also got super nervous that I may eventually develop Fibromyalgia because my body is constantly tense (is that even how it works? Because that’s how I think it works and I keep freaking myself out), so I started getting regular massages and will get back into yoga this year. 

2) The Facebook effect is much broader than just Facebook.  I remember reading this article a couple of years ago about why Gen Y is unhappy and the American Psychology Association released their Annual Stress In America Survey for this year, which dubbed millennials as the most stressed generation. When I read the original article referenced in this point, I realized I was one of those entitle Gen Y “Yuppies” it talks about… I actually started teaching this article having groups read it while working as a counselor I found it to be so true…. But then I forgot about it.

While I’ve definitely lowered my expectations of life, I seem to have forgotten that the carefully crafted Facebook life, spans to a much broader reach than just Facebook…. It spreads to on-line personalities newsletters, website, webinars, testimonials, and their real life. This year I’ve had the pleasure to interact with high level coaches and realized they are living in fear that this carefully crafted persona will come crashing down… and that although they’ve built their businesses on hard work… they are now settling on entitlement to carry them through. I realize I don’t ever want to rest on my entitlement or “Facebook Effect” persona. I want people to know the struggle and hiccups, so they can connect and learn too… even if it means it takes a little longer to build my business and be seen as an expert. #Integrity4theWIN!


3) You can choose your family. Okay well I already knew this one and learned this lesson a long time ago, but to me, family is the person or people who show up, without strings attached, no matter what. They are the people that can respect where you are at and don’t punish you for taking care of yourself or being your own person. I am so grateful for the friends who have become family and my soon to be family (what?!? Am I really getting married in less than 4 months? This is starting to feel real!)


4) Just because someone writes about helping and supporting others doesn’t mean its true. My mind was blown when I learned that most testimonials on sites are people’s friends or family… Better yet… apparently it’s industry standards to blur the lines of those “praise” sections… Who knew?!? Maybe I am naive, but I really believed them when they had their picture, city, and name on there! Only after I learned this, I noticed if I read closely enough they are really a testimonial about the persons character, not services, seriously go read them.  Even some of mine on fall into this… I really should update those.


5) Netflix isn’t the most important thing in my day.  Last year, I think if you asked me how I spent my day, at least 8 hours of it was spent watching TV, literally, I am not exaggerating.  This year, I buckled down and got way more serious about my business and nurturing relationships… proudly I can say Netflix is still my BFF, but we are only seeing each other 3-4 hours a day now. 


Let’s get social! Join the Instagram Photo A Day Challenge



How do you guys celebrate birthdays? What lessons are you learning?


5 Lessons Learned from My First Course Launch


Thinking about launching your first digital course? Not sure where to start with launching a course on-line? Check out the 5 lessons I learned during my first course launch, that I couldn't learn from another coach or course. The Confused Millennial
Thinking about launching your first digital course? Not sure where to start with launching a course on-line? Check out the 5 lessons I learned during my first course launch, that I couldn’t learn from another coach or course. The Confused Millennial


No matter how many coaches you work with or courses you take, I don’t think anything can really prepare you for the roller coaster that is your first course launch…. at least not for me. I just needed to go through the launch in order to learn these lessons, even if people said them to me in the past, they didn’t really sink in until I loved it. 

I had wanted to launch a course for about 8 months now. I kept telling myself “it just isn’t the right time” or that “I don’t know enough yet” — Who can relate?

Then one day I was just HIT with this wave of “I NEED”.

As in…” I NEED TO LAUNCH A COURSE” as if my life depended on it. The week after that was a flurry of blind chaos. I decided on an impulse I would do it on Instagram since I had just seen over 600% growth in one months time and was on target to more than double that in the second month (As I sit here writing, 2 months and one week after I decided to get serious about Instagram, I have now seen over an 1800% increase in followers and went from having less than .5% engagement on posts to over 8% engagement on posts!)  I decided that I’ve seen what I can do, and I’ve answered enough peoples questions about the social media platform, that I must have something worth teaching.

So I decided to just start writing a course. No market research. No testing whether it was viable or wanted. I just did it. 

In that past, I had studied so much about the “right way” to go about a course launch… but I didn’t care, I just wanted to get it done.

In in two days time I had 4 modules completely written out. I designed the slides and graphics, and then decided I hated them, so I gave them to my designer… then I started writing my email campaigns and creating my content calendar for social media promotion while I waited for the slides re-design.

Once I got the slides back, I spent 5 hours recording all of the audio and video for the course, in one day! By that night, I was bleary eyed and exhausted, but excited to start editing the next day… I woke up, sat down at my desk, and opened the files to start editing and then the horror started sinking in…

… one after one…file after file…



The audio was completely unsalvageable! 



Seriously, terrible feeling that I hope you never experience. I was BURNT! I didn’t want to keep going, I wanted to quit or push the launch date… But somehow I rallied. I can’t really tell you where I mustered the strength… I stared at my computer screen, robotically spooning oatmeal into my mouth, and nothing went through my head. Then all of the sudden, I was like “Ok I need to get started again!” and just opened up my recorder to start again.

I finished recording and editing the videos a few days before the final cart launch. I thought that I would be able to close the “Cart” at a certain time on Teachable, but it doesn’t appear I can… so now I feel kind of bad because I kept advertising “cart close”, but now I realize why all the big coaches who host their courses on Teachable advertise “bonuses ending”, its because they actually leave their courses up for purchase all the time… they just do “re-launches” with bonuses and to get buzz going again. 

Main takeaways from my course launch:

1. You really need 90 days from start to finish. I did everything in less than 60 but half of that I was working 16 hour days like a crazy woman. 

2. Re-launch bonuses, not the actual course.  The big coaches who “re-launch” the course seem to sell the course year round, and just re-launch to get the buzz going and sweeten the deal for customers. I think… leave me a comment if this is wrong or a misunderstanding!

3. Really only focus on 2, max 3 social media platforms. I was on Instagram, Periscope, Twitter, and Facebook and what I really should’ve done was run FB and IG ads, while building relationships and engagement on Periscope and Twitter. 

4. Don’t worry, just get it done. Seriously this was the biggest lesson I learned. I kept going back and re-doing certain parts of the course, even over the weekend while people were going through the course. The perfectionist in me was already re-writing the e-mail campaigns and opt-ins and actual course content to make it even better. Finally I talked with my team and created a new schedule to re-launch the bonuses for the course in the coming months and am leaving things alone until then! 

5. The course is never done. Aside from the points outlined above, the other reason I kept updating and changing information is because of how quickly things evolve on the internet, by the time you perfect the course, the information would be outdated. I am speaking from experience here. I had entire modules done and then with the Instagram June API and policy changes, I was going back and editing/updating those as we learned more and more about third party apps no longer integrated.

Ready to get serious about Instagram?

Join our photo-a-day challenge



What lessons have you learned from your first course launch? Or what are you nervous about? Drop me a line in the comments below!  


Inspiring Millennials with Matt Hearnden


Are you struggling with jealousy or comparing yourself to others on-line? We chat with published Author Matt Hearnden about what its like to find your purpose and exercise your mindset muscle in your twenties. We talk about entitlement with millennials, and how to overcome it in this vlog. The Confused Millennial
Are you struggling with jealousy or comparing yourself to others on-line? We chat with published Author Matt Hearnden about what its like to find your purpose and exercise your mindset muscle in your twenties. We talk about entitlement with millennials, and how to overcome it in this vlog. The Confused Millennial


In todays episode of Inspiring Millennials we have author Matt Hearnden all the way from the UK!

Matt got started with writing after getting fired, *oh how can I relate!*

…Actually our entire chat is very relatable, in a very taboo way. We have a lot of shared experiences (which I think a lot of millennials go through), but nobody ever talks about. 

Some points we touch on:

  • How to prioritize your life over Netflix…  #TheStruggleIsReal
  • How to overcome comparison and perfection paralysis in your twenties
  • How to develop patience and work use jealousy for good
  • Why entitelment is somethign to embrace
  • Plus 2 mindset practices: Before you watch, start by writing a list of important people in your life… then get ready for some valuable insight as Matt takes us through this exercise! 



Connect with Matt on his website or Facebook.



3 Reasons to Have a Long Engagement


Is having a long engagement okay? Why should you have a long engagement? What are the pros and cons of a long engagement? The Confused Millennial, Rachel Ritlop, shares three reasons to have a long engagement.
Is having a long engagement okay? Why should you have a long engagement? What are the pros and cons of a long engagement? The Confused Millennial, Rachel Ritlop, shares three reasons to have a long engagement.


How awesome are our wedding photographers? Thanks Brooke Images!
How awesome are our wedding photographers? Thanks Brooke Images!

In case you didn’t know…

I’m getting married!

Haha I’ve actually been engaged for a really long time (November 9, 2014) and we are tying the knot in mid-October 2016…

When we got engaged we always knew we were going to have a long engagement… but I did not know how much society (and people) judged having a long engagement. Seriously, I turned on the TV one day and Wendy Williams was talking so much trash about people with two year engagements!

Apparently, it’s a pretty common stereotype that there are “issues” or something when a couple is engaged longer than a year (year and a half max.). We have had many people ask us “are you guys still even getting married?” or “is everything okay with you two?”


I think it’s so wrong to judge and assume that you know what’s going on in a persons life based on their wedding timeline.


The truth is, our engagement was so long, not because my fiancee and I were having issues, but because my mother and I have been on rocky terrain for years and I spent the first year of my engagement emotionally preparing myself that she wouldn’t come to my wedding. While all of the juicy details of that is probably an entirely different post… a blessing actually came from drawing out the wedding planning process: I have been relatively stress free!


That’s right! I have found wedding planning overall to be totally stress free.


Why do I love the two year engagement?

1. Narrows your guest list. Seriously, having a longer engagement narrows your guest list! You would be SHOCKED by how many people came out of the wood work trying to re-connect after we got engaged and wanted to “hear all about wedding planning” — only there was nothing really to tell other than we had no idea what was happening and we’re enjoying being engaged. I started hanging out with old friends who I had lost touch with and found myself thinking, “well we used to be great friends, maybe she will be in my wedding party!”.

Thanks Brooke Images!
Thanks Brooke Images!

Before inviting all my long lost girlfriends to be bridesmaids, I decided to wait and if we stayed re-connected (I once saw this story on the Today show where a study was done that found most couples were no longer in contact with their wedding party 15-20 years later — and all of the anchors said they do not talk to almost anyone who was in their wedding party anymore). This segment from the Today show always stood out to me… Maybe I am being idealistic, but I want to stay life long friends with my wedding party, I don’t want to pay a buttload of money to have people at my wedding who I don’t think will be there for the long haul.

And sure enough, the people who I lost touch with were only interested in wedding conversations and not actual re-kindled friendship. I started to feel like people were only interested in coming to the wedding than being a dependable friend. Needless to say when we first got engaged we thought our wedding would be around 150 people… and now that we are 5 months away its about 65 people. 


Thanks Brooke Images!
Thanks Brooke Images!


2. Less money. Thats right, a longer engagement has meant a lower cost wedding! Aside from the smaller guest list, it’s really allowed us to not make impulsive or emotional decisions. We’ve had time to research, We’ve had time to not get caught up in trends or what other people are doing. We’ve really had the chance to decide, “Is this adding to our guests experience and to representing us as a couple?” – if there answer isn’t “HELL YES!” to both questions, then we are cutting it from the budget. This includes spending $200 on my wedding dress instead of $2,000!


Thanks Brooke Images!
Thanks Brooke Images!


3. No expectations. Because the engagement has been so long, family and friends don’t have that same wedding excitement and momentum that I hear/see in other couples. For so long there’s been “nothing to report” and when there is something to report, it’s usually small and pretty spread out from the next small “something to report” that  it’s created a lot of space and distance from opinions and emotions (thankfully!) – which has really allowed the process to be about my fiancee and I and our wants, wishes, and needs as a couple. 


Thanks Brooke Images!
Thanks Brooke Images!


Are you planning a wedding or trying to save some $$$? Download our checklist for saving on a tight budget!


Are you married or engaged? What tips do you have for planning a wedding and marriage? I would love to hear in the comments!


Inspiring Millennials with Tayo Rockson


Tayo Rockson is the founder of UYD Media and founding editor of BrandEdu. Tayo is a media personality and third culture kid whose mission in life is to inspire the next set of global leaders to use their difference to make a difference. Tayo shares about how a near death experience redefined his career and purpose in life.  Watch the full vlog interview on The Confused Millennial.
Tayo Rockson is the founder of UYD Media and founding editor of BrandEdu. Tayo is a media personality and third culture kid whose mission in life is to inspire the next set of global leaders to use their difference to make a difference. Tayo shares about how a near death experience redefined his career and purpose in life.  Watch the full vlog interview on The Confused Millennial.


Happy #MotivationalMonday! 

I love today’s guest: Tayo Rockson.  Seriously this guys energy and passion is so contagious, that after this you are going to want to say “Screw limits and ceilings! I am going to break barriers and make a difference in the world!”

Tayo’s goal in life is “to inspire the next step of global leaders by inspiring them to use their difference to make a difference”

He grew up in five different countries on four different continents so he considers himself a citizen of the world. He has lived in Sweden, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Vietnam and the United States and his goal is to ultimately leave the world a better place than it was before he came into it, which he is totally succeeding at! He talks all about how he “uses his difference to make a difference” and where this tagline came from!

Tayo is the founding editor of BrandEdU and the CEO of UYD Media. Both companies are committed to helping millennials pursue their passions in careers they love while making a difference. His work has been seen on the Huffington Post, Among Worlds Magazine as well as Global Living Magazine. He is an authority on Third Culture Kids and assimilation into new cultures. He is the author of The Ultimate Guide To TCK Living and through his podcast and blog, he is heard and read by thousands of people in over 100 countries. 


During the interview Tayo discusses:

– How he re-defined himself as an expert (And how you can too!)

– How he found his purpose and overcame obstacles and adversity to make it a reality

– And what his life has looked like since finding his authentic voice and passion

“be brave enough to be yourself in today’s world” – Tayo Rockson

Connect with Tayo on his website or twitter


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Can’t Stop / Won’t Stop – Finding Your Purpose


Never stop working for your dreams. Daily Motivation and inspiration is so important. I love this quote. Don't give up on your dreams. Can't stop, won't stop until I find and fulfill my life's purpose. How can you find and live your purpose?  - The confused millennial. 
Never stop working for your dreams. Daily Motivation and inspiration is so important. I love this quote. Don’t give up on your dreams. Can’t stop, won’t stop until I find and fulfill my life’s purpose. How can you find and live your purpose?  – The confused millennial. 


I was in college when a professor of mine recommended I read “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankl. The book is about Frankl’s experience as a Jewish psychologist during World War II, being separated from his family, in the concentration camps as a prisoner. Throughout the book he talks about two things when it came to surviving: 

1) Luck. – He explains sometimes it’s just whether the Nazi’s pointed you left or right that day which meant life or death.

2) Purpose. – He explains that the prisoners in the camp who were still fighting all believed there was a greater purpose, or meaning, to life. Whether it was getting back to their work, their family, or just a passion for life and the possibilities of it after the Holocaust. These people stayed connected to their “why”. 

Frankl writes that the people who decided to let go of their “why” were almost guaranteed to die in the camps. They stopped eating, they stopped moving, they stopped existing. 

I’ve read this book many times and ask many of my clients to read this book because it’s such a good reminder to keep moving forward. To find your purpose and fulfill it.

Before starting my business, I was working two jobs feeling miserable. I was sick with dread every morning that I woke up and dressed for work. My anxiety started coming back in full swing, and each day I practiced breathing exercises to ward off the panic attacks. My mood worsened, and I was miserable to be around.

During all of this, I kept thinking, “I should quit… I should start my own business.” I could not stop thinking these thoughts. But I did nothing… and then I got fired. Thankfully the Universe did for me what I so clearly could not do for myself.

The events that followed continued to push me to finally put some action behind these thoughts I couldn’t shake… and then something happened… I started feeling better. My body stopped feeling tightly coiled with anxiety, my mood improved, and I started to reconnect with my purpose again. 

I think the Frankl’s observation on surviving (part luck, part purpose) 100% applies to business. I have no idea if other business owners will succeed or fail. They can replicate what I did or what other successful business owners have done, but part of business is luck. Being in the right place at the right time and meeting/knowing the right people. The other part of it is staying connected to your purpose or “mission” in starting the business and finding ways to grow while being connected to that “why.” 

There is no sure-fire way to guarantee success exists. Anyone that tells you otherwise is probably trying to make a profit off of you. Think about it; if there’s a guaranteed way to make 30k in 3 months, wouldn’t the news be reporting it? Wouldn’t people be quitting their jobs in droves to do what that person is doing? 


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